ben kirilo is a multimedia artist based in wellington, new zealand. inspired by skateboarding media and hip-hop music, he works across a range of mediums, both stills and video. his style characterised by his love of contrast and efforts to completely capture a moment.
ben has worked at and alongside major nz festivals: rhythm and vines, bay dreams, soundsplash and more, as well as collaborating with a range of talented local artists inclduing ROVA, messie & Hans. he has independently directed, shot and edited two music videos: 'RAINS' by kid rey and '200 DEGREES' by CON.DRIA, showcasing his distinctive visual style and creative direction.
in addition to music videos, ben has led creative direction on artist photoshoots. he has also worked with brands to create compelling marketing materials for clothing capsules, bringing his unique aesthetic to commercial projects.
ben primarily focuses himself on still visuals, namely photography and graphics. having a huge portfolio of both personal and professional work, ben does not limit himself to any particular style or method, being proficient in both film and digital photography. 

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